No hookups – Tanners Flat

No hookups – Tanners Flat

We finally built up enough confidence to try a night without hookups.  No power, No water, No sewer, how could we possibly survive?  Well we did and we had a great time doing it.  Ok so I am being dramatic but we were a bit worried about being able to do it.  I can already tell that we are going to have to be quite conservative with our battery and stored water if we want to make it more than one night.

The Tanners Flat campground was a bit tight for us to get into but we really enjoyed our stay.  We had some of our family come up and have dinner which was really nice.  One of my favorite moments was sitting at the table in the trailer reading and coloring with Lily while it was raining outside.  Fortunately it was clear for dinner and smores…


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