Devils Garden – Arches National Park

Devils Garden – Arches National Park


One night Ash and I were talking to Steven & Joan about the states license plates and the arch.  As the discussion continued we all realized that non of us had ever been to Arches National Park and so we decided to plan a trip.  We decided to stay right in the park at the only campground and I am really glad we did.  From the moment you enter the park it will take your breath away.  The best part about the campground is that you are tucked right into the rocks which give you a feeling of having some type of special access to this amazing place.

Arches-DGThere is a ton to see in the park and we made the rounds but taking a moment to site back and relax is always nice.  There was no cell service in most of the park so, getting some time to just site, eat some cheese and crackers and sip on a Diet Coke really hit the spot. Who could ask for a better birthday?

Arches-DG2Exploring is always fun and when Lily wanted to hike back to this big divot in a wall I was all over it.  The cool part is that we were looking down on the campsite and Lily was able to call on the radio and talk to the people back in camp.  I have a fondness for radios as you all know, but having Lily also enjoy using them is something really special.



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