Birthday at Wasatch Mountain

Birthday at Wasatch Mountain

For my birthday this year I wanted to head up to Wasatch Mountain State park for a long weekend.  Truly I wanted to check out Jordanelle State Park but they were still closed, so Wasatch is where we went.  Friday night we basically hung around the campground and got things setup.  On Saturday we hiked the Pine Creek trail from the campground.  This was a new trail for us and a good test of the training hikes/walks we have been doing with Lily.  The trail can be accessed from the campground and is about 2.5 miles round trip with approximately 200 ft of elevation gain.  It is all on a well maintained trail and there are various nature signs along the trail that talk about the plants and animals.  This hike is one of the activities in the Jr. Ranger Activity book and the signs help you pass of a second activity.  At the top of the hike is a glacial outwash (basically a large pile of rocks) that we spent a few minutes climbing on and exploring.  At one point while climbing on the rocks Lily said “This is like my favorite part of the day.”   She did amazing on the hike and didnt complain once!  We realized that on the way down she was not wearing the new hiking boots that we had purchased for her and just her normal tennis shoes.  Oh well, I am sure there will be several more hiking adventures.P1040125P1040136

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