The Big 06

The Big 06

A while back we decided to do two different type of birthdays for Lily (Friends & Family).  This year was a family birthday so we decided to spend the weekend camping in one of our favorite areas, Heber, Utah.  Previously we stayed at the Wasatch Mountain State Park, but this time we decided to check out Jordanelle State Park.  The two parks are only about 30 minutes apart so generally they are in the same area.  Jordanelle is very popular because of the over 10 mile long reservoir.



We arrived on Lily’s actual birthday and she couldn’t wait for everybody else to join us.  The cones in the picture above were place by her to mark off the “stage” area where her performance would be.  Once everybody arrived and had a moment to site and have a drink, we kicked off the taco and salsa bar.  We weren’t sure how this would work for a group, but it actually worked out quite well.  Shortly after dinner it was time for gifts.  We are very fortunate to have family that can give such nice gifts and want to thank everybody for their generosity.

Lets do this...

The next day we headed over to Midway for the Soldier Hollow Classic. This is an annual event that is really based around the dogs and handles that are responsible for herding sheep.  The main event has dogs can handlers herding the sheep down a mountainside and into a pen.  The handler uses a series of whistles to tell the dog what to do and quickly drives the sheep in a controlled manor down and into the pen.  Around the main event they have also added several other dog focused events such as Splash Dogs and agility demonstrations.  The event was a lot of fun for the entire family and it is truly amazing how well some dogs can be trained and how much the dogs love doing what they do.

To wrap up the weekend we got the opportunity to hit the water and do a bit of trolling.  The wind was going nuts for a good part of the afternoon and for a while we thought we might not be able to make it out on the water.  But we had some dinner and gave it some time and eventually it cleared up.  After a longer than normal trip down the boat ramp (thanks to yours truly) we hit the water about an hour after we originally wanted to.  We cruised out to a really good spot and got all rigged up.  It wasn’t long after the lines hit the water that the birthday girl got a huge hit on her pole and pulled in a 21″ Brown Trout.  The success continued with several more Rainbow Trout before we had to call it quits and headed back to camp as it was getting dark.  The weekend didn’t go exactly as planned but all in all it was a great weekend and hopefully a great birthday for Lilly.


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