Well That’s Fantastic!
When we purchased our Keystone Hideout we quickly recognized that the fan in the bathroom was a bit lacking. Ashley’s parents Airstream is equipped with Fantastic Fans and they can really move the air. However, the poor excuse for a fan that we had just wasn’t cutting it.
So after a year of dealing with it I finally had enough and decided it was time fix it. This was my second real mod on the trailer and the first one that was going to deal with a roof component and a sizable hole in the trailer. After watching a few You Tube videos, I figured this was something that I could tackle on my own. Opening the inside was easy and I was very glad to see a higher gauge wire was used for the old fan. This meant that I didn’t need to do any real electric work. Next up was the roof and removal of the Dicor sealant. This was by far the hardest part of the project. It took me several hours to remove it enough to get the old fan out and then clean up the area. The new fan dropped right into place and I quickly screwed it into place and added my sealant. I had to modify the inside shroud due to the sloped roof, but after a few iterations, it slid right into place.
All in all, this was an easy modification. It did take WAY longer than I expected, but I am happy to report that I didn’t have to go to the hardware store in the middle of the project. We will be really testing out the fan in the coming weeks, but our initial impressions are fantastic…