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Tag: Amateur Radio

Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now?

Imagine yourself, sitting in a beautiful national forest campground at the picnic table enjoying your lunch.  Tall pine trees towering above and providing just the right amount of shade to make it cool enough that you need a jacket.  Off in the distance, you can hear to roar of the local river and the chirping call of some very active squirrels.  When all of a sudden the serene moment is shattered by yelling. “HEY HONEY, WILL YOU BRING SOME NAPKINS…..NAPKINS…..NO…..BRING SOME…

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2016 Wasatch 100

2016 Wasatch 100

The Wasatch 100 is an event that I support as part of my Amateur Radio hobby.  For this event we are task with tracking each runner in and out of each aid station and then passing that data to the finish line.  At the finish line the data is received, stored in a database and then uploaded to the internet for the world to view.  The antenna being setup on our comms trailer in the picture below is where that…

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Giving Back

Giving Back

Since the late 90’s I have been helping with the annual Bike MS ride in Utah.  This annual event serves as the primary fundraising event for the Utah chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society and typically raises about $1.5 million.  Each year, the event takes over the Logan Fairgrounds where participants have the opportunity to camp for the weekend. My team of volunteers is responsible for everything that happens on the course during the event.  This can been things as…

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2015 Wasatch 100

2015 Wasatch 100

The annual running of the Wasatch 100 is a great reminder that we are leaving summer and moving into the fall season.  It is usually on my way up to our base camp that I see the first signs of leaves changing in the canyons.  This year the colors were already going strong and in fact over the weekend we could actually see a change. The Wasatch 100 is one of those premier events for Amateur Radio operators and provides…

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Salt Flats 100

Salt Flats 100

This weekend I helped support the Salt Flats 100 run which was held out on the Bonneville Salt Flats.  A few weeks back I traveled to the salt flats to do some range testing and this weekend was the actual event that we were testing for. My shift started Friday morning and went until about 10PM, then I was to be back on shift at 6AM. For my overnight accommodations, I could have grabbed a hotel room nearby but I opted…

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