Giving Back
Since the late 90’s I have been helping with the annual Bike MS ride in Utah. This annual event serves as the primary fundraising event for the Utah chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society and typically raises about $1.5 million. Each year, the event takes over the Logan Fairgrounds where participants have the opportunity to camp for the weekend.
My team of volunteers is responsible for everything that happens on the course during the event. This can been things as simple as supply requests from a rest stop to large mobile home that is blocking the route (yea, that actually happened). To support the operations of my team, we deploy a communications trailer that acts as the base of operations for the event. This year I also decided to take my personal trailer, which housed my brother and I while we were not on-shift. This ended up being an awesome change and allowed us to hang-out a lot more in our down time. Usually we have all stayed in a hotel in the area, but this year with the RV, it just seemed more natural to hang-out in our private area.
Of course it is not all hanging out and we do have some actual work that has to get done over the weekend. In busy years we slammed with calls into the hotline and have our team bouncing from call to call trying to respond as fast as we can. This year we were fortunate enough to have an easy year where the number of incidents on the course were minimal and the calls were very manageable.